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How to Pick the Ideal Goalkeeper Glove



It is important to keep several things in mind when choosing goalkeeper gloves, whether you are a goalkeeper yourself or the parent of a goalkeeper. Appropriately sized gloves will enhance your performance. In contrast, the wrong sized gloves can have a negative impact on your performance. Let’s look at the things you should look for when buying goalkeeper gloves.

What needs to be kept in mind when you select a pair of gloves?

The pros aren’t always right

It is a common mistake for people to buy goalkeeper’s gloves that are worn by their favorite player. It’s not always what’s best for you that’s also best for your idol.

Identifying the Hand Shape that is appropriate

Each glove is made to fit a particular hand shape and size. It’s pretty much a rule to pick gloves based on your hand type even though there are recommendations. When you feel that the glove you’re recommended isn’t to your liking, you can choose something else.

Roll-Finger Goalkeeper Gloves

Roll Finger gloves allow more room compared to negative cuts. These are very popular glove type for people with broad fingers and hands. Wrapped or rolled around the fingers of the glove is latex material. When a goalie catches the ball, they have a lot more protection than they did before.

Goalkeeper Gloves with Negative Cuts

A glove with a more streamlined and tighter feel on your hand, the Negative Cut glove is recommended for goalies with slim or slender hands and fingers. Gloves with Negative Cut stitching are called Negative Cut gloves because they are stitched inside. For goalkeepers who like to feel the ball tighter and more firmly, this design will be ideal.

Goalkeeper Gloves with a flat or Positive Cut

In traditional Flat Cut goalkeeper gloves, the stitching is found on the outside of the glove, which is suitable for goalies with larger hands. Despite giving more space to the hand, this design does not compromise security or control.

Goalkeeper Gloves with Hybrid Cut Palms

For those with irregularly-shaped hands, the Hybrid Cut Palm goalkeeper gloves are recommended because they combine the above glove types. The hybrid glove is distinguished from other types of gloves by combining different designs in one. It is not limited to what features a glove manufacturer can use for a hybrid glove.

Put them on and see if they fit

Next, you should try on the gloves that are recommended for your hand size. Until you try a goalkeeper glove on yourself, you won’t really know if it will fit you.

Equipment Selection

If you want to perform your best for every game, you need the right goalkeeping equipment from a reputable brand like Just Keepers. The glove you choose for your goalkeeper goes a long way to assist you in achieving that. A goalkeeper’s glove may not be the same as another, which is why it is necessary to know what to look for.

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